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About Us
Australian Country Choice are the largest, family and Australian owned fully integrated beef supply chain. You get security that comes with a progressive pastoral operation along with the support and personal interest that comes with being a family business.
Australian Country Choice is dedicated to the best-practice supply of high-quality meat products to domestic and export markets.
Our operations encompass everything from cattle breeding, backgrounding and lot feeding to beef primary processing and multi-specie further processing, value adding, retail packing and distribution.
Norm Lee and his family established Leeson Pty Ltd in 1960 and purchased their first cattle station, Brindley Park, in 1968. Trevor and Keri Lee later formed Australian Country Choice (ACC).
Today, the ACC Group exists as the world’s largest family-owned, vertically integrated cattle and beef supply chain organisation.
Our whole-of-chain operations include seedstock production, cattle breeding, backgrounding, farming and lot-feeding to beef primary processing and multi-specie further processing, value-adding, retail packing and distribution.
Our group of companies is dedicated to the best practice supply of high-quality meat products to domestic and export markets.
While ACC Group has specialised in producing short-fed, grain-finished cattle and beef, we are starting to diversify our supply chain to include producing high-quality long-fed cattle, such as Wagyu and Black Angus, to further service the demands of customers in the premium beef market.
Operate an ethical and sustainable business in partnership with our producers, suppliers and customers, achieving industry best practice in environmental sustainability, animal welfare, beef production, meat processing, beef value-adding, employee safety and wellbeing, and customer satisfaction.
Be recognised by our suppliers, customers, peers and employees as a global leader in meat production and processing, and value-adding of beef and lamb products by providing sustainably grown, high-quality food products.
Loyalty is at the heart of everything we do. It harks from the Lee family and it is particularly present in our people.
Change is not for change’s sake—we value beneficial change that improves our business.
We value truth and transparency—we need this to collaborate and trust each other, and to achieve our full potential.
We value personal ownership. We take responsibility for ourselves, our relationships, our time management, our workspaces and tools. We are honest and full of integrity, and this maximises our contribution.
We value human life. The lives of every member of our team are of equal value and every person who enters our site should leave our site in good health. Some of our team members have more dangerous jobs than others, and we all work harder to ensure they stay safe. We also value the lives of all humans, including our customers and their customers whose safety relies on this value.
We know our customers keep us in business, which ensures our jobs. We know our customers have their own customers who include our friends, our families and other people we don’t know.