I recently conducted a poll with over 1000 RFTTE members responding... asking the question: Which supplier do you use or recommend for clothing/ leather gear/ horse tack when working on a cattle station?
As well as the kit you need chasing a beast on horseback, bike, bull catcher or chopper... you need to head into town at some stage too - and lets be honest, you need to look the goods ay!

So whether you're in the scrub or in town... be it a swag, custom made saddle, leather radio pouch, work shirts, boots, spurs, halters or hats... the best in the business according to you include: Kent Saddlery (RFTTE Blue & Black hat), Top Saddlery (RFTTE Camo Hat), Dust'n'boots and Nungar Trading. Make sure you tell'm RFTTE sent you!
Check out their full range, clearance/ sale items and other little hidden nuggets below just for RFTTE subscribers...